Abdominal Pain

What Causes Abdominal Pain? 

Abdominal pain can be caused by several factors, including the stomach flu, intolerance to certain foods, or a condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Depending on the particular cause of your abdominal pain, you might experience cramps, generalized pain throughout your entire belly, or localized pain in one specific area of the stomach. Dr. Hanson Lee MD, the experienced gastroenterologist in Arcadia, CA can diagnose and treat your abdominal pain. 

Causes of Abdominal Pain 

Abdominal pain can result from a variety of causes. Examples of common reasons for stomach pain include overeating, gas, constipation, stress, and gastroenteritis or the stomach flu. Other causes include intolerance to certain foods, muscle strain, and food poisoning. Abdominal pain could also be the result of an underlying medical condition or disease, such as: 

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
  • Inflammation of the pancreas 
  • Ulcerative Colitis 
  • Crohn’s disease 
  • Diverticulitis 
  • Gallstones 
  • Ulcers 
  • Certain cancers 

In addition to the examples provided here, there can be other causes of abdominal pain as well. It is best to see the skilled gastroenterologist at our office in Arcadia, CA for an accurate diagnosis of your stomach pain. Dr. Lee can determine if the pain is due to an underlying medical condition and develop a treatment plan for you. 

When to See a Gastroenterologist 

Some causes of abdominal pain, such as overeating or food intolerance, can often be treated at home with over-the-counter antacid medications. Chronic or severe abdominal pain could be an indication of a more serious condition and is best treated by a medical professional, such as a gastroenterologist. Contact our office in Arcadia, CA right away to see the doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: 

  • Severe stomach pain 
  • Recurring or persistent stomach pain 
  • Pain that gets worse when you move 
  • Develop a fever in conjunction with abdominal pain 
  • Chest pain or pressure 
  • Abdominal swelling 
  • Bloody diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 

If you are experiencing abdominal pain, we can help. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee, our knowledgeable Gastroenterologist, call our office in Arcadia, CA at (626) 821-2076. In-person appointments are available.

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